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September 13, 2024 -  Navigating Life's Challenges with Faith and Community

September 13, 2024 - Navigating Life's Challenges with Faith and Community

September 13, 20249 min read

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Life with Justin Stephens: A Journey of Faith and Resilience

In the journey of life, we often encounter challenges that test our faith and resolve. In "Life with Justin Stephens," we explore the essence of personal growth, resilience, and the unwavering belief in a higher purpose. This blog reflects on the lessons learned and shared through the experiences that shape our lives, emphasizing the importance of faith, community, and self-reflection.

Embracing Change: A Personal Reflection

Change is an inevitable part of life. It can come in many forms, from career shifts to personal relationships. Recently, Justin faced one of life's most challenging moments when he received divorce papers. This experience brought forth feelings of failure and self-doubt. However, instead of succumbing to despair, he chose to embrace the change and seek strength through faith.

As Justin reflects on his journey, he emphasizes the importance of recognizing that the past cannot be changed. He acknowledges the pain but also understands that moving forward is essential. This perspective is crucial for anyone facing similar challenges. The ability to let go of past mistakes and focus on the future is a powerful tool for personal growth.

The Power of Faith in Difficult Times

In times of distress, faith can serve as a guiding light. Justin's experience highlights how turning to spiritual practices, such as devotionals and church attendance, can provide comfort and clarity. He shares a poignant message from his devotional: "I will write my name upon your heart." This reminder of divine presence encourages individuals to find strength and purpose in their struggles.

Trusting in a higher plan can be a source of hope. Justin expresses his commitment to following God's lead, even when the path seems unclear. This faith allows him to view his challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Community Support: The Backbone of Resilience

Support from friends, family, and colleagues is crucial during challenging times. Justin is grateful for the encouragement he has received from his workplace, Secure Pacific. This kind of support can make a significant difference in navigating life's difficulties. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles.

Building a supportive community is essential for anyone facing life changes. Sharing experiences and seeking guidance from others can provide comfort and perspective. Justin's journey exemplifies the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences that uplift and inspire.

Living Authentically: A Commitment to Personal Values

Life is a team sport, and Justin emphasizes the importance of living authentically. He expresses a commitment to sharing his beliefs and values, regardless of how they may be received. This authenticity is vital for personal fulfillment and connection with others.

Justin encourages individuals to embrace their unique journeys, even when faced with societal pressures. By living according to one's values, individuals can inspire others to do the same. This ripple effect can lead to positive change within communities and society as a whole.

Finding Joy in the Journey

Despite the challenges Justin faces, he remains committed to finding joy in everyday moments. On his birthday, he reflects on the importance of celebrating life and cherishing time spent with loved ones. This perspective is a reminder that happiness can be found even in the midst of adversity.

Justin's approach to life exemplifies the idea that each day is an opportunity for growth and connection. By focusing on the positive aspects of life, individuals can cultivate a sense of gratitude and fulfillment.

Lessons Learned: A Path Forward

As Justin navigates his journey, he shares valuable lessons that can resonate with anyone facing challenges. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Embrace Change: Life is full of transitions. Accepting change as a part of life can lead to personal growth.

  • Trust in Faith: Leaning on spiritual beliefs can provide strength and guidance during difficult times.

  • Seek Support: Building a supportive community can make a significant difference in navigating life's challenges.

  • Live Authentically: Stay true to your values and beliefs, regardless of external pressures.

  • Find Joy: Celebrate the small moments and cultivate a sense of gratitude in everyday life.

FAQ: Life with Justin Stephens

What inspired Justin to start his journey of sharing his experiences?

Justin was inspired by his desire to document his journey and create positive change in society. Through sharing his experiences, he hopes to connect with others and provide support.

How does faith play a role in Justin's life?

Faith serves as a guiding force for Justin. He believes in the importance of trusting in a higher plan, which helps him navigate challenges and find purpose.

What advice does Justin have for others facing similar challenges?

Justin encourages individuals to embrace change, seek support from their community, and stay true to their values. He emphasizes the importance of finding joy in the journey.

How can one build a supportive community?

Building a supportive community involves surrounding oneself with positive influences, engaging in open communication, and sharing experiences with others. It's essential to foster connections with those who uplift and inspire.

What is the significance of authenticity in personal growth?

Authenticity allows individuals to live according to their values and beliefs, fostering a sense of fulfillment. By being true to oneself, individuals can inspire others and create positive change.

In conclusion, "Life with Justin Stephens" serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit. Through faith, community support, and a commitment to authenticity, individuals can navigate life's challenges and emerge stronger. Embrace the journey, learn from experiences, and remember that every day is an opportunity for growth and joy.

Daily Podcast:

Life with Justin Stephens


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.

It is September 13, 2024, and today is my birthday. So let's dive into the devotional and see what we have in store for us today. It is on the next page.

I will write my name upon your heart. Come and sit with me. Let me remind you how I see you in the situations you're facing.

I will whisper words of encouragement unlike any other. I am a faithful friend, a kind lord, an unchanging savior. I am the alpha and Omega.

I see the end of things from the very beginning. I have wisdom beyond compare, wisdom I will share with you. My outlook on your life is from a perfect vantage point.

When you spend time with me, your heart beats in harmony with mine. You feel the breath of my spirit gently easing you into alignment with my will. You will fulfill your destiny when you stay in tune with me.

I want you to see your story through my lens, each chapter flowing with grace and glory. I want to establish you in my love and give you the courage to dream again. Come and find your strength in me.

Come and let me write my name upon your heart. We are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God's perfect plan of bringing good into our lives. For we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.

Romans 828. That's a great message for me today. In the spirit of candor, I got served with the voice papers yesterday, and it was really hard.

I. I feel like a failure. I feel like I could have done things better.

I could have made life easier. And if life was easier, it wouldn't have ended this way. But the past is the past.

And no matter what happens in the past, you can't change it. And so, moving forward, that's why I do these devotionals. That's why I've started going to church again.

Moving forward, I'm going to write his name on my heart. I'm going to continue to trust him and trust that he does have a plan. Even though right now I feel like all is lost.

I know it's only temporary. I know that life will grow. Life will change and evolve as it always does.

And so I'm committed to writing his name on my heart and following God's lead, because he's the only one who can lead. He's the only one who is creating the future. We are nothing but tools today that he uses as part of his plan if we let him.

So that's what I've been struggling through lately. That's where all the change in my social media content has come from, and I don't know where this story ends. I don't know the next steps.

All I know is that I'm going to commit myself to Christ and I'm going to commit myself to the people who want to be in my life. Like secure Pacific has been wonderful to work with and incredibly supportive. So thank you and a lot of you.

I know there's a lot of people that watch these videos that don't necessarily like or comment or engage in any way. And I appreciate you, and I don't care that you don't engage. I know it's risky to engage in new ideas before they're socially acceptable, before other people have seen them.

And I pledge to live my life as an example of what I believe. I don't care if you believe it. That's irrelevant.

You believe what you want to believe. I'm going to live my life according to what I believe and how I believe. God is using me and I believe he puts everyone in my path exactly when they need to be in my path.

I believe he has a plan for my life. And so that's why I just wake up every day and my goal is to share a smile, to share a laugh, to help people feel heard. My goal is to be the change I believe we need in society.

And I do that through trying to follow Christ. So thank you all for being on this journey. Thank you for celebrating with me today on this best of birthdays.

It is Friday the 13th. It is a wild and crazy day for a birthday. So this, this weekend I get to spend with the kids, which I'm very excited about.

And we will see what the future holds because the future is the only one that knows or God is the only one that knows. The future is what I should say. And with that, have a wonderful day and we'll talk to you all soon.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 1

Every employee sign-on bonus: 10 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 2 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $150 per month per company

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 2

Every employee sign-on bonus: 25 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 4 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $300 per month per company

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 3

Every employee sign-on bonus: 35 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 5 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $750 per month per company

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 4

Every employee sign-on bonus: 49 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 12 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $1500 per month per company

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 5

Every employee sign-on bonus: 80 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 18 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $2000 per month per company

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