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September 15, 2024 - Embrace Change and Find Joy in Life's Journey - Life with Justin Stephens

September 15, 2024 - Embrace Change and Find Joy in Life's Journey - Life with Justin Stephens

September 15, 20248 min read

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Life with Justin Stephens: Embracing Change and Faith

In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves overwhelmed with responsibilities, challenges, and the constant pressure to succeed. However, amidst this chaos, there's an opportunity to embrace change, reflect on our journeys, and lean on faith. This blog explores the essence of "Life with Justin Stephens," focusing on personal growth, family moments, and the importance of taking leaps of faith.

The Power of Family Moments

Family is a cornerstone of our lives. It provides support, love, and the foundation we need to face challenges. In Justin's life, spending quality time with family is not just a routine; it's a source of joy and strength. Whether it's playing games, sharing meals, or engaging in meaningful conversations, these moments remind us of what truly matters.

On September 15, 2024, for instance, Justin shared how he enjoyed a wonderful day with his family. These experiences are vital, as they create lasting memories and strengthen bonds. They remind us to appreciate the present and the people we cherish the most.

Work-Life Balance: Finding Time for Everything

Balancing work and family life can be challenging, but it's essential for overall well-being. Justin emphasizes the importance of setting aside time for both work and family. After spending time with his loved ones, he dedicates moments to prepare for the upcoming week. This balance allows him to excel in his professional endeavors while nurturing his personal relationships.

Finding this equilibrium is crucial for everyone. It can reduce stress, enhance productivity, and foster a sense of fulfillment. Whether you’re a parent, a student, or a professional, prioritizing both aspects of life can lead to a more harmonious existence.

The Importance of Reflection and Journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. It allows individuals to document their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, providing clarity and insight. In Justin's journey, journaling serves as a means to process his day and reflect on lessons learned.

On days when life gets hectic, like September 15, Justin found himself rushing out to church and skipping his usual journal entry. However, he recognizes the value of taking time to write and reflect on his experiences. This practice not only helps him articulate his thoughts but also acts as a record of his journey.

Faith as a Guiding Force

Faith plays a significant role in Justin's life and serves as a guiding light through challenges and uncertainties. The devotional shared on September 15 encapsulates this beautifully, reminding us not to hesitate when stepping out of our comfort zones. It encourages embracing the unknown and trusting in a higher power to guide us.

“Do not hesitate to step out. The Sweet Taste of Joy has filled your heart, but I have even more for you,” the devotional states. This message resonates deeply with those seeking change and growth. It emphasizes that by stepping out in faith, individuals can discover new opportunities and experiences that enrich their lives.

Taking Risks and Embracing Change

Stepping out into the unknown can be daunting. However, it is often in these moments of vulnerability that we find our true selves. Justin's journey illustrates the importance of taking risks, whether in personal life, career choices, or spiritual endeavors. The message from the devotional encourages readers to take that leap of faith, as true victory lies in trusting the process.

“Take a chance on God; he’s ready for you,” the message continues, urging individuals to embrace their faith. This call to action inspires many to step out of their comfort zones and pursue their dreams with confidence.

Transforming Lives Through Leadership

Justin aspires to be a leader within his community, using his platform to inspire change and improvement. His mission is not just about personal success but about uplifting others and creating a positive impact. This vision aligns with the idea that true leadership involves empowering those around us.

Through his blog and various social platforms, Justin shares lessons from his life, both triumphs and failures. This transparency fosters a sense of community and encourages others to share their experiences, cultivating an environment of growth and support.

Lessons Learned: The Journey of Growth

Every day presents an opportunity to learn and grow. Justin's reflections on his journey highlight the importance of recognizing both successes and setbacks. Each experience contributes to personal development, teaching valuable lessons along the way.

By sharing these lessons, Justin not only documents his own growth but also inspires others to reflect on their journeys. This collective sharing creates a supportive network where individuals can learn from one another, fostering a sense of belonging and encouragement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does "Life with Justin Stephens" entail?

"Life with Justin Stephens" encompasses personal reflections, family experiences, and insights into faith and leadership. It aims to inspire others to embrace their journeys and pursue personal growth.

How can I find balance between work and family?

Finding balance involves setting priorities, creating a schedule that allows for both work and family time, and being present in each moment. It’s essential to communicate your needs and ensure that both aspects of your life receive attention.

Why is journaling important?

Journaling is important for self-reflection, processing emotions, and documenting experiences. It provides clarity and helps individuals articulate their thoughts, leading to personal growth and understanding.

How can I step out in faith?

Stepping out in faith involves trusting in a higher power, taking risks, and embracing the unknown. It requires courage to leave the comfort zone and pursue new opportunities, believing that everything will work out for the best.

How can I become a leader in my community?

Becoming a leader involves being proactive, sharing your vision, and empowering others. Engage with your community, listen to their needs, and work collaboratively to create positive change.


Life with Justin Stephens is a journey of faith, family, and personal growth. By embracing change, reflecting on experiences, and trusting in a higher power, individuals can navigate life's challenges with grace and strength. Each day presents an opportunity to learn, grow, and inspire others, fostering a sense of community and support.

As we continue on our journeys, let us remember to take chances, reflect on our experiences, and lead with love and compassion. Together, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.

Daily Podcast:

Life with Justin Stephens


Daily Video Journal:

Daily Journal Transcript:

Good evening. Good evening. Good evening.

It is September 15, 2024. It is 06:47 p.m. mountain time.

Today's been a much better day. Had a ton of fun hanging out with the family, and now I'm at home getting some work done, getting ready for next week. But I didn't get a chance to do my journal today because I ran out of the house to get to church, which was awesome.

So let's dive into our devotional, which is September 15. Do not hesitate to step out. The sweet taste of joy has filled your heart, but I have even more for you.

As you leave behind the predictable step into all that I have chosen to bring to pass in your life. I will direct you by my glory cloud. And with my presence, faith does not hesitate when my cloud has moved.

I delight in you and will never leave you, for you are mine. Never be afraid to step out. It is there that you will find more of me.

I have gone before you to prepare the way and I will be your peace. When you take risks and let my light shine in the dark places, my glory will explode on the scene. I am with you for you and working through you all that I am in you I want to pour out through you to others.

Step into the newness of what I have for you and you will see the power of my spirit released through you. I have equipped you with all that you need, and I will be the grace for every step you take. Jesus called out to them and said, come and follow me, and I will transform you into men who catch people for God.

Matthew 419. Wow. That is a fantastic reminder.

It's so hard to step out. It's so hard to lead change. It's so hard to be change.

But that is where he lies, and that is where his grace is gifted. This really hit home for me today, just in my journey and everything I've been through and continue to go through, it really speaks to me. So I want to challenge you guys.

What have you not stepped out on? What have you not taken that leap of faith? On the right there is where victory lies. Right there is where God lies. Take a chance on God.

He's ready for you. He will take care of you. What a great message to end the day.

So with that, I hope you guys have a great day, and we will see you all tomorrow morning. Monday morning, baby, it's gonna be a good week.

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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 1

Every employee sign-on bonus: 10 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 2 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $150 per month per company

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 2

Every employee sign-on bonus: 25 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 4 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $300 per month per company

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 3

Every employee sign-on bonus: 35 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 5 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $750 per month per company

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 4

Every employee sign-on bonus: 49 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 12 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $1500 per month per company

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National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 5

Every employee sign-on bonus: 80 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 18 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $2000 per month per company

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