The National Tax Strategy Education Program

This is the history of Justin Stephens attempting to explain how America's Holding Company works and how to be a part of it.

This is also the product that our members receive once they subscribe.

We believe education should be free, and you should be given an opportunity to invest in it which is the cornerstone of everything we do.

Episode 10: Leveraging Time for Positive Change

Episode 10: Leveraging Time for Positive Change

July 21, 20245 min read

Investing Your Time: A Journey Towards Change

Time is the one constant in our lives. It moves forward, shaping our experiences and influencing our decisions. The way we invest our time can have profound effects on our lives and the lives of others. This article explores the importance of time, how we can leverage it for positive change, and the collective power we have to create a better society.


Table of Contents

The Value of Time

Time is an asset that cannot be reclaimed once spent. It is the most valuable resource we possess, and how we choose to invest it defines our lives. Each moment we live shapes our experiences, relationships, and opportunities. Understanding the significance of time can help us prioritize our actions and decisions.

  • Time is irreplaceable.

  • It connects us all.

  • How we use it matters.

As we navigate through life, it’s essential to reflect on how we allocate our time. Are we using it to nurture relationships? Are we investing in our personal growth? These questions can guide us towards more meaningful engagement with our lives and communities.

Being the Change We Seek

Change begins with us as individuals. To create the society we desire, we must first decide to be the change. This requires a conscious effort to identify what needs improvement and how we can contribute to that change.

  • Identify areas for improvement.

  • Take personal responsibility.

  • Engage with your community.

By actively participating in our communities and advocating for better practices, we can foster an environment of support and growth. Each of us has a role to play, and together, we can make a significant impact.

Documenting My Journey

My journey involves sharing insights, lessons learned, and experiences through various platforms. This blog serves as a documentation of my path, highlighting both successes and failures. It is crucial to be transparent about our experiences, as they can inspire others and provide valuable lessons.

  • Share your journey.

  • Be transparent about successes.

  • Learn from failures.

As I navigate my professional life, including my work at Secure Pacific, I aim to share my knowledge and experiences with others. This blog is not just a personal reflection; it is a resource for others seeking guidance and inspiration.

Community and Collaboration

Life is a team sport. The more we collaborate and support one another, the more significant our collective impact. Building a community that fosters collaboration can lead to innovative solutions and shared successes.

  • Encourage collaboration.

  • Support one another.

  • Celebrate shared successes.

By working together, we can create a support network that empowers individuals to pursue their goals and dreams. This collaborative spirit is essential for creating lasting change in our society.

Establishing the Framework for Change

Creating a structured approach to change can help maintain focus and momentum. I am committed to documenting my journey weekly, providing updates on my progress, and sharing insights into the strategies that work.

  • Document progress regularly.

  • Analyze strategies for effectiveness.

  • Adjust approaches as needed.

This systematic approach not only keeps me accountable but also provides a roadmap for others looking to initiate similar changes in their lives or communities.

Engaging with Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media serves as a powerful tool for communication and engagement. It allows us to connect with a broader audience and share our message effectively.

  • Utilize multiple platforms.

  • Engage with followers regularly.

  • Monitor engagement metrics.

By reaching out through various social media channels, I aim to create a community of like-minded individuals who are eager to collaborate and share their experiences. The goal is to build a network that thrives on mutual support and engagement.

Financial Sustainability and Revenue Generation

To support my mission and sustain my blog, I have established a financial framework. This includes various revenue streams, such as affiliate marketing and sponsorships, which help fund my initiatives.

  • Explore multiple revenue streams.

  • Engage sponsors and partners.

  • Maintain transparency in finances.

By diversifying my income sources, I can ensure the longevity of my projects and the continued support of my community.

Celebrating Milestones and Achievements

As we progress on our journeys, it is essential to celebrate milestones and achievements. Recognizing these moments fosters motivation and encourages continued effort.

  • Celebrate personal milestones.

  • Acknowledge community achievements.

  • Share successes publicly.

By celebrating together, we reinforce the idea that every step forward is a collective victory, contributing to our overarching goals.

Building a Legacy

My vision extends beyond my lifetime. I aim to establish a legacy that continues to inspire and empower future generations. This involves creating a sustainable model that others can follow.

  • Plan for long-term sustainability.

  • Involve future leaders.

  • Document processes for continuity.

By laying the groundwork for future leadership, I hope to ensure that my mission continues to thrive and evolve over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main goal of this initiative?

The primary goal is to create a supportive community that fosters positive change in society through collaboration and shared experiences.

How can I get involved?

You can participate by engaging with the content, sharing your experiences, and collaborating with others in the community.

What platforms do you use for engagement?

I utilize various social media platforms to connect with my audience and share updates on my journey.

How do you measure success?

Success is measured through community engagement, the impact of shared experiences, and the growth of the initiatives I undertake.

Are there opportunities for sponsorship?

Yes, I welcome sponsors who align with the mission and vision of creating positive change in society.


The journey towards creating meaningful change is ongoing and requires collective effort. By investing our time wisely, sharing our experiences, and collaborating with others, we can build a better future for ourselves and our communities. Let's embrace the power of time and use it to make a lasting impact.

employee ownershiptax strategies
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Justin Stephens

Justin Stephens is a husband and a father of 3. He is always looking for ways to create the impact that he is chasing, changing the way employees are compensated in America.

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National Tax Strategy Education Program

Our Joint Education Program with companies to provide for our employees together.

The goal of the National Tax Strategy Education program is to take care of our team throughout time.

Below is the embedded weekly update, and the mission is to update this weekly for the next 100 years.

What is included:

  • Educational Content created and produced by Justin Stephens

  • Made in America US Flag

  • X Community

  • Month to Month Agreement

  • HR Support for all employees to become part of our ESOP.

  • Logo added to our sponsorship page

National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 1

Every employee sign-on bonus: 10 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 2 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $150 per month per company

FAQ image

National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 2

Every employee sign-on bonus: 25 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 4 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $300 per month per company

FAQ image

National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 3

Every employee sign-on bonus: 35 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 5 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $750 per month per company

FAQ image

National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 4

Every employee sign-on bonus: 49 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 12 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $1500 per month per company

FAQ image

National Tax Strategy Education Program - Level 5

Every employee sign-on bonus: 80 Class B shares of AHCI

Annual Class B Stock Gifts: 18 Class B shares per year

Multiplier: Number of years co-employed with AHCI

Monthly Investment: $2000 per month per company

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